Why Celebs Decide to Open Their Own Restaurants


Success in one field means success in another?

According to some experts, this is the main reason why non-chef celebrities open up their own eateries. If they’re successful in the field of acting, then surely their name and influence can make them succeed in other ventures, right?

Well, yes and now. For instance, Britney Spears opened up in 2002 and saw its doors close permanently in the same year. Kevin Costner had his own place, The Clubhouse, and kept it alive for 28 years before going belly-up.

Diversifying revenue

So, if there’s no guarantee that a celebrity’s influence can make them instantly successful in a new venture and industry, then why do they do it? It’s simple, really: they want to diversify their revenue.

As you might expect from the fast-paced Hollywood life, there will be a time when the contracts stop rolling in, and by then, these A-listers will need a second or third source of income to finance their lavish lifestyles.



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